About Turkmenistan
45/405 Shota Rustaveli Street
Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Office No F-1, Safdar Mansion
Fazel-e-Haq Road, Blue Area
Islamabad, Pakistan
E-mail: tashkent@sitara.com islamabad@sitara.com
Phone (Uzbekistan): (99871) 2814148, (99871) 2814149, (99871) 2553504
Phone (Pakistan): (9251) 2805583, (9251) 2805288
Fax: (99871) 1206500
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AshgabatAshgabat (population 500,000), formerly Ashkhabad, the capital and the largest city of Turkmenistan, lies in the southwestern part of the country. Ashgabat is situated in the middle part of the foothill plain Kopetdag in an oasis near the Karakum Desert. The city developed around a Russian fortress built in 1881 at the crossroads of caravan routes; major growth began when it became a station on th... read more -
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Badkhyz ReserveBadkhyz Reserve, created in 1935, is situated in Mary region. The name of the reserve means "the place where wind begins". This geographical name reflects the real climate conditions of the spot. A variety of the animals, birds and reptiles can be found here. The reserve is also famous for pistachio-trees that grow in this region. -
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DekhistanDekhistan is considered the most important medieval oasis of southwestern Turkmenistan. Here from 9th to 14th centuries stood the City of Misrian that reached its splendour when it belonged to the Shahs of Khorezm. The total area was about 200 hectares. A double ring of defensive walls surrounded it. Like most cities of its epoch, it was divided into well-fortified shakhristan (inner city) with ci... read more -
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Gonur-DepeThe first agricultural settlements appeared in the delta of the Murghab River as back as the 7th millennium BC. Fertile silt coming from mountains, abundance of water and moderate climate had created favourable conditions for good crops. Among the sands of the eastern Karakum the archaeologists excavated the monumental castles and temples, in size competing with the buildings of Assiria and Babylo... read more -
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KahkaAbout two hundred historical architectural monuments of the ancient times were discovered in the region of Kahka. These include Abiverd, Ak-Depe, Altyn-Depe, Gara-Depe and Namazga-Depe. Abiverd is one of the cities of the North Khorasan repeatedly mentioned in the written sources, especially from the times of Arabian conquest. Baverd (Abiverd) is "the place of numerous crops and fields" in th... read more -
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Kugitang Nature ReserveKugitang Nature Reserve was opened in 1986. It is situated on the western slope of the Kugitang Mountains, spur of Gissars range of the great mountain system Pamiro-Alay. The territory of the Reserve is 27,139 hectares. The name of the Kugitang ( Koytendag in Turkmen) mountains came from the Persian "kuhi" and Turkic "teng" and means "almost impassable mountains". The mountain terrain is cut with ... read more -
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Kunya UrgenchKunya Urgench was an ancient city. As early as at the beginning of the 1st century AD the Chinese sources mentioned the city of Yue-gan which is identified with the city of Urgench. In 712 the Arabs overthrew Khorezm, and Kunya Urgench took its Arabic name Dgurdganiya or Gurganj. In 995, Gurganj became Khorezm Shah's state capital and the second city after Bukhara - capital of Samanids. It was a f... read more -
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MaryMary is the third largest city in Turkmenistan. Lying in a large oasis of the Karakum Desert, on the Murghab River delta, Mary arose in 1884 as a Russian military-administrative centre 30 kilometres from the site of ancient Merv and was called Merv until 1937. Now Mary is the centre of a rich cotton-growing area. It is a rail junction and carries on extensive trade in cotton, wool, grain and hides... read more -
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Merv OasisMerv Oasis is one of the most ancient regions of Central Asia where the highly developed system of the artificial irrigation and the thick net of settlements existed at the Bronze Age. At different historical periods the Merv oasis was named Mouru in the sacred book of the Zoroastrians Avesta, Margush in the cuneiform texts of the Achaemenids, Margiana in Greek-Roman works, Merv in sources o... read more -
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Repetek Biosphere ReserveOne of the beautiful places in the Karakum desert is the Repetek Reserve. It is located in the eastern Karakum. Here there is a big variety of sandy relief and natural monuments. The word Repetek is translated from the Arabic language as "the confined place with insipid water". The Repetek Reserve was founded in 1927 on the basis of the scientific station, existing here since 1912. The main activi... read more -
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SerakhsSerakhs is the large point on the Great Silk Road between Nishapur and Merv, the centre of small oasis situated in the upper reaches of Tedjen River. In the middle of the 1st millennium BC the first settlement surrounded by the clay wall appeared on the site of the ancient of the Old Serakhs. The Serakhs significance becomes stronger after the Arabs conquered Central Asia. At that time the di... read more -
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Yekedeshik Cave TownYekedeshik is a State historical and architectural reserve, located in the district of Tagta-Bazar. The word "yekedeshik" - from Turkmen language means "one orifice" because of the cave's only one entrance. In the spring period one can see here open land covered with lots of tulips and field mushrooms. There are many versions of how this cave appeared. According to one of them it was dug by t... read more